Nyere publikationer og rapporter fra Molslaboratoriet (2010-2020)
Hansen, O.L.P., J.-C. Svenning, K. Olsen, S. Dupont, B.H. Garner, A. Iosifidis, B.W. Price & T.T. Høye, 2019. Species-level image classification with convolutional neural network enables insect identification from habitus images. – Ecology and Evolution, 2019:00: 1-11. (DOI: 10.1002/ece3.5921)
Peguero, G., D. Sol, M. Arnedo, H. Petersen, S. Salmon, J.- F. Ponge, J. Maspons, B. Emmett, C. Beier, A. Tietema, P. De Angelis, E. Kovacs-Lang, G. Kröel-Lang, M. Estiarte, M. Bartrons, M. Holmstrup, I. A. Janssens & J. Penuelas, 2019: Fast attrition of springtail communities by experimental drought and richness-decomposition relationships across Europe. – Glob. Change Biol. 2019; 00: 1 – 12. https//doi.org/101111/gcb.14685 + Supplementory Information – Appendix.
species richness and bioindication predict multi-taxon species richness. Methods in Ecology and Evolution 9: 2372– 2382
Ejrnæs, R (ed.), 2018. Proceedings til konferencen Biowide - hvad har vi lært af 4 års naturforskning? Aarhus Universitet 4. maj 2018. 70 s.
Reddersen, J., J. Christiansen & E. Aude, 2018. Floraen på 16 dysser I Nationalpark Mols Bjerge. – Flora og Fauna 124 (1+2): 3 – 11.
Frøslev, T.G., Kjøller, R., Bruun, H.H., Ejrnæs, R., Brunbjerg, A.K., Pietroni, C., Hansen, A.J. 2017. Algorithm for post-clustering curation of DNA amplicon data yields reliable biodiversity estimates. Nature Communications 8, 1188
Graversen, M., 2017: 99 arter i Nationalpark Mols Bjerge (99 species in Nationalpark Mols Bjerge). – Naturhistorisk Museum, Aarhus, 110 sider.
Petersen, H., 2011: Molslaboratoriets Historie. – I: Keller, M.V. (red.) Kapitel 12 i Ellen Dahl. Mols og Litteraturen. – Aarhus Universitetsforlag, Aarhus, s. 118 – 152.
Reinsch S, Koller E, Sowerby A, de Dato G, Estiarte M, Guidolotti G, Kovács-Láng E, Kröel-Dulay G, Lellei-Kovács E, Larsen KS, Liberati D, Penuelas J, Ransijn J, Robinson D, Schmidt IK, Smith AR, Tietema A, Dukes JS, Beier C, Emmett BA (2017) Shrubland primary production and soil respiration diverge along European climate gradient" Scientific Reports 7:43952, DOI: 10.1038/srep43952
Schmidt IK, Nielsen BO, Riis-Nielsen T. 2017. Lynghederne. I: Vestergård P (red.) Det åbne land. Naturen i Danmark, 2. udgave, bind 3. Pp. 213-246. Gyldendal
Thers, H., Brunbjerg, A.K., Læssøe, T., Ejrnæs, R., Bøcher, P.K., Svenning, J-C. 2017. LiDAR-derived variables as a proxy for fungal species richness and composition in temperate Northern Europe. Remote
Sensing of Environment, 200, 102-113.
Andresen LC, Müller C, de Dato G, Dukes JC. Emmett BA, Estiarte M, Jentsch A, Kroel-Dulay G, Leuscher A, Niukk S, Peñuelas J, Reich PB, Reinsch S, Ogaya R, Schmidt IK, Schneider MK, Sternberg M, Tietema A, Zhu K, Bilton MC. 2016. Shifting Impacts of Climate Change: Long-Term Patterns of Plant Response to Elevated CO2, Drought, and Warming Across Ecosystems. Advances in Ecological Research (Large Scale Ecology, volume 55), DOI 10.1016/bs.aecr.2016.07.001 P432-474. Elsevier
Bonfanti, J., J. Cortet, M. Hedde, S. Joimel, P.H. Krogh, H. Petersen, 2016: Collembolan trait patterns with climate modifications along a European gradient: the VULCAN case study. Poster: International Conference on Ecological Sciences, Marseille, France, 2016.
Haarder, S., H. Bruun, K. Harris & M. Skuhravá, 2016. Gall midges (Diptera: Cecidomyiidae) new to the Danish fauna. Entomologisk Tidskrift. 137. 79-98.
Buttenschøn RM, Buttenschøn J, 2015. Kvæggræsning som hedepleje. Flora og Fauna 121(3) 95-104.
Kröel-Dulay G, Ransijn J, Schmidt IK, Beier C, De Angelis, de Dato G, Dukes JS, Emmett B, Estiarte M, Garadnai J, Kongstad J, Kovács-Láng E, Larsen KS, Liberati D, Ogaya R, Riis-Nielsen T, Smith A, Sowerby A, Tietema A, Penuelas J 2015. Increased sensitivity to climate change in disturbed ecosystems. Nat. Commun. 6:6682 doi: 10.1038/ncomms7682
Hansen, M.D.D., 2014: Flere bidrag til: Anon. (eds.) Mere natur i råstofgrave – forvaltning og bevarelse. – Kommunalteknisk Chefforening, Silkeborg.
Sandom, C.J., R. Eirnæs, M.D.D. Hansen & J.-C. Svenning, 2014: High herbivore density associated with vegetation diversity in interglacial ecosystems. – Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences; Vol. 111 (11). s. 4162-4167.
Vicca S, Bahn M, Estiarte M, van Loon E. Vargas R Alberti G, Ambus P, Arain MA, Beier C, Bentley LP, Borken W, Buchmann N, Collins SL, De Dato G, Dukes JS, Escolar C, Fay P, Guidolotti G, Hanson P, Kahmen A, Kroël-Dulay G, Ladreiter-Knauss T, Larsen KS, Lellei-Kovacs E, Lebrija-Trejos E, Maestre FT, Marhan S, Marshall M, Meir P, Miao Y, Muhr J, Niklaus P, Ogaya R, Peñuelas J, Poll C, Rustad LE, Savage K, Schindlbacher A, Schmidt IK, Smith A, Sotta E, Suseela V, Tietema A, van Gestel N, van Straaten O, Wan S, Weber U, Janssens I. (2014) "Can current moisture responses predict soil CO2 efflux under altered precipitation regimes? A synthesis of manipulation experiments". Biogeosciences, 11(11), 2991-3013
Buttenschøn, R. M. & J. Buttenschøn, 2013. Woodland grazing with cattle – results from 25 years of grazing in acidophilus pedunculate oak (Quercus robur) woodland. – In. Rotherham (ed.): Trees, Forested Landscapes and Grazing Animals – A European Perspective on Woodlands and Grazed Treescapes, pp. 317 – 329.
Sell, H., K. Olsen, C. Vedel Smith & J. Svendsen, 2013: Effekten af menneskeskabt forstyrrelse på rødrygget tornskade (Lanius collurio) ynglende i forskellige habitattyper – Flora og Fauna 119 (1 + 2): 55 – 64.
Holmstrup M, Sørensen JG, Schmidt IK, Nielsen PL, Mason S, Tietema A, Smith AR, Bataillon T, Beier C, Ehlers BK (2013) Soil microarthropods are only weakly impacted after 13 years of repeated drought treatment in wet and dry heathland soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 66: 110-118
Holmstrup M, Sørensen JG, Schmidt IK, Nielsen PL, Mason S, Tietema A, Smith AR, Bataillon T, Beier C, Ehlers BK (2013) Soil microarthropods are only weakly impacted after 13 years of repeated drought treatment in wet and dry heathland soils. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 66, 110–118
Carter MS, Larsen KS, Estiarte M, Field C, Leith ID, Lund M, Meijide A, Mills RTE, Niinemets Ü, Peñuelas J, Portillo-Estrada M, Schmidt IK, Selsted MB, Sheppard LJ, Sowerby A, Tietema A, Beier, C (2012) Synthesizing greenhouse gas fluxes across nine European peatlands and shrublands – responses to climatic and environmental changes. Biogeosciences, 9, 3739-3755.
Dreisig, H., 2012: How long to stay on a plant: the response of bumblebees to encountered nectar levels. – Arthropod-Plant Interactions, Vol. 6. s. 315-325.
Holmstrup M, Sørensen JG, Maraldo K, Schmidt IK, Mason S, Tietema A, Smith AR, Emmett B, Schmelz R, Bataillon T, Beier C, Ehlers BK (2012) Increased frequency of drought reduces species richness of enchytraeid communities in both wet and dry heathland soils. Soil Biology & Biochemistry 53: 43-49
Kaaber, S., 2012. Sommerfuglefaunaen i Nationalpark Mols Bjerge. Et østjysk naturområdes sommerfuglefauna og denne faunas udvikling i perioden 1940-2010. – Forlaget Psyche, Aarhus, Danmark. 229 sider.
Mateos, E. & H. Petersen, 2012: Definition of the European Lepidocyrtus curvicollis group (Collembola: Entomobryidae) with description of a new species from Sardinia (Italy). – Zootaxa; Vol. 3273. s. 51-62.
Sell, H., C. Vedel-Smith, J. Svendsen & K. Olsen, 2012: Optimal natur i Nationalpark Mols Bjerges kulturlandskab – rødrygget tornskade (Lanius collurio). – Rapport til Kulturarvstyrelsen. Vedr. J.NR. TAKT2009-081. Naturhistorisk Museum, Aarhus. 19 sider.
Stevnbak K, Maraldo K, Georgieva S, Bjørnlund L, Beier C, Schmidt IK, Christensen S. (2012) Suppression of soil decomposers and promotion of long-lived, root herbivorous nematodes by climate change. European Journal of Soil Biology 52, 1–7
Buttenschøn, J. & R.M. Buttenschøn, 2011: Long-term development of woodland on cattle grazed and un-grazed heathland. – The European Heathland Workshop. Universidad de Leon, s.87.
Buttenschøn, R.M. & J. Buttenschøn, 2011: Control of woodland development on heathland by goat grazing. - The European Heathland Workshop. Universidad de Leon, s.88.
Buttenschøn, R.M. & J. Buttenschøn, 2011: Woodland grazing with cattle – effects of 25 years grazing. Landscape, Archaeology and Ecology Review. – Animals, Man and Treescapes; Vol. 9. s. 122-127.
Petersen, H., 2011: Collembolan communities in shrublands along climatic gradients in Europe and the effect of experimental warming and drought on population density, biomass and diversity. - Soil Organisms; Vol. 83 (3). s. 463-488.
Buttenschøn, R.M., 2010: Fokus på pleje af de følsomme naturtyper. – Plantekongres 2010 – produktion, miljø og natur; s. 300-301.
Callesen, I., H. Vejre, L. Dalsgaard, H. Petersen & P.F. Møller, 2010: Skovenes naturgivne rammer. – Kapitel 2 i: Møller, P.F. (red.) Naturen i Danmark: Skovene – Gyldendal, København. 29-53.
Hansen, M.D.D., 2010: Natteliv. – Natur og Museum, Vol. 49 (3). 36 sider
Hansen, M.D.D. & O. Jørgensen, 2010: Insekter i Danmark. – Gyldendal, København. 359 sider.
Hansen, M.D.D., S.Ø. Madsen, D.E. Møller & M. Reng, 2010: Midt i historierne – natur, kultur og kunst i Region Midtjylland. – Midtjyske Museers Udviklingsråd. 255 sider.
Heilmann-Clausen, J., B.O. Nielsen, H. Petersen & O. Mather-Christensen, 2010: Nedbrydning. - Kapitel 10 i: Møller, P.F. (red.) Naturen i Danmark: Skovene – Gyldendal, København. s. 247-269.
Mänd, P. et al., 2020. Responses of optical reflectance indices to experimental warming and drought in European shrublands along a North-South climatic gradient. – Remote Sensing of the Environment 114: 626–636.
Nielsen, B.O., H. Petersen, P. Gjelstrup, O. Mather-Christensen, S. Sangild, J. Heilmann-Clausen & K. Fog, 2010. Skovenes småorganismer og deres samspil. - Kapitel 7 i: Møller, P.F. (red.) Naturen i Danmark: Skovene – Gyldendal, København. s. 163-193.